Olympic Jobs – Why Students Will Suffer From The G4S Debacle

Working at the Olympic Games would have been a dream summer job for many students. Not only would it be a temporary source of income but also an impressive addition to their CV. G4S, who launched their recruitment campaign Bridging the Gap, was eager to employ students for the event, with hopes of signing up 3,300.

However, despite the G4S scandal, London 2012 is set to proceed as planned, thanks to the involvement of the army and police. Regrettably, there’s no redemption for the students who believed they had been offered a job with the company. One of the students involved is Cameron Wauchope, a history undergraduate from Warwick University. During the questioning at the MPs’ hearing, G4S’s CEO, Nick Buckles, read out details of Cameron’s treatment, which was promptly carried out.

Cameron had received an offer to be a security guard during the Olympics but had not heard back from the company fewer than two weeks before the event. Despite attempting to contact them on multiple occasions, he received no response to his calls or emails. He claims that his university break now appears uncertain, questioning what he would do for money or for his remaining summer considering that he graduates next year. He had dropped out of an internship and a paid job for the G4S gig.

Many students have set up a Facebook campaign to protest against the inadequate care they received from the company. A lengthy list of complaints has surfaced, with one student estimating his losses to be £2000 from work he lost with G4S.

One irritated student asks if the Olympics were anticipated to create jobs so that so many students might be left unemployed and disgruntled. Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown prophesied an overall total of 50,000 Olympics-based jobs, with 30,000 of those operating at the Olympic stadium alone.

Cameron initiated the Facebook group stating that he intends to create a level ground for employee/employer relations, particularly for students who are often pushed around. Despite being informed repeatedly that they are not skilled enough to enter the workforce, students work during their vacations, volunteer, or take up internship roles. Despite putting time aside for training and making good plans ahead of time, many students have had their prospects of finding a paid summer job dashed. This setback is challenging when so many employers are disinclined to hire and train new personnel, only for them to leave in September.

It is not surprising that many of those motivated to make the London Olympics secure are demoralized.


  • rosewebb

    Rose Webb is an educational blogger and volunteer who also studies for a degree in law. She loves to write about her experiences and share her knowledge with others, and is passionate about helping others to achieve their goals.

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