Analysis Of The Negative Outcomes Of Industrialization

Table of Contents

Inaugural remarks

Industrialization is the process of making large-scale changes to how goods and services are produced. It involves the adoption of new technologies, the reorganization of production, and the concentration of labor in factories. It has had a major impact on society, from economic development to population growth.

Lifestyle changes

Inflation in unemployment

Environmental Impacts

Pollution of the Air

Contamination of water sources


This is the beginning

Industrialization, which started in Britain around the 18th Century, brought about rapid changes in manufacturing. Many new methods of producing goods have been invented by the revolution in industry, which makes our lives simpler. It emphasizes both the use of machines, and the power of labor. It makes it easier to meet the basic human needs, such as water, food, and housing. Technology has also been developed due to rapid industrialization. This led to a revolution in human daily lives. However, success comes with a price. The environment and human relationships are both affected by industrialization. Industrialization has several major negative effects, including increased unemployment and social diversity as well as the harmful effects on the environment from factory residues.

Industrialization is the process of developing machine production and using it to create new goods and services. It is a major part of the economic growth of modern societies, and has been responsible for the rapid expansion of cities and new technologies. Industrialization has also made life easier by making goods and services more readily available, leading to increased leisure time for many people.

Industrialization started in 18th century. This was when factories were built with high speed and many workers. Many jobs were created by these factories. Many immigrants are attracted to these job opportunities from around the globe. Unfortunately, working conditions were poor in these factories. Workers had to work long hours and not get any rest. They were required to work in large numbers, repeating the same job over and over again. Due to gender inequality and racism, the pay was also very low for workers of different ethnicities and women. Unsafe working conditions in factories also led to many deaths from diseases such as stroke, malnutrition and stress. The result is industrialization, which results in an increase in the economy, more efficient workers, and greater use of technological innovation (Kenton 2019).

Lifestyle changes

Industrial revolution created many machines and improved the quality of life for people. Industrialization has had a profound impact on the human lifestyle. People’s lives are very different today than they were before the industrial revolution. For instance, in the past people had to do all the housework by themselves or hire someone to do it for them. Industrialization created many machines like dishwashers washing machines, ovens, stoves, and dish washers. This made it easier to save time and reduce the amount required. These machines are so useful they have become an essential part of everyday life. Today, people are less likely to spend their time at home and instead focus on education and entertainment. Industrialization has its downsides. It can have a negative impact on people’s lifestyles. Many people now eat fast food. These foods require less preparation time and can be eaten wherever you are, making them convenient. Fast foods are often made with low-quality ingredients and have sodium to preserve them. Fast food is high in sodium and fats. This can lead to numerous health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Increased unemployment With the increase in population, more people will have to work harder to support their families. Therefore, goods must be made faster. Many factories employ many workers. Mc Donaldization is a common method used by many factories. Mc Donaldization is where work is guided by four key concepts: efficiency. Mc Donaldization breaks down the production process into simple tasks that workers can repeat over and over again. Because it is a simple process, skilled workers are not required. Workers are therefore less valuable and can be replaced easily.

Today, industrialization and economic growth are booming. Technological innovation was also stimulated by the growth in industry. Robots were invented as a result. Robots can produce goods efficiently and are not fatigued or injured. While robots can make technological mistakes, they are still useful in dangerous or hazardous work environments such as radioactive radiation, high temperatures and chemicals. Robots can be replaced or thrown away if they have an error. This is in contrast to workers who are responsible for paying compensation for any injuries. Robots are being used in large-scale production by many factories.

Robots can also replace workers in white-collar jobs and service centers. As a result, there are less opportunities for workers to find work due to increased global population growth and advancements in machines.

Technology’s impact on the environment Technological innovations include robots, machines and vaccines to treat diseases faster. They also allow for the transportation of goods and people. These innovations require resources to function. Resource depletion is faster due to increasing global population. Remains from factories can lead to serious health problems and environmental damage.

Air PollutionIndustries obtain the energy they need to work from natural resources like coal, oil, and gas. The air quality is affected by the release of large quantities of fossil fuels. Lung cancer, asthma, and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) are all possible effects of air pollution. Air pollution can also contribute to environmental problems like climate change, global warming as well as acid rains and depletion.

Water Pollution Some industrial residues contain chemicals. These chemicals can cause water pollution by contaminating local water supplies with gas, liquid, or solid forms. This could lead to a decrease in fresh water availability. Some wastes end up in streams and lakes nearby, which then flow into rivers and the sea. This causes damage to the sea as well as the animals that depend on it.

ConclusionWhile industry has had a great impact on the development and life expectancy of people, it has also led to the displacement of many labor workers by machines and robots. These laborers are less educated and have lower incomes, which makes their lives even more difficult. To survive, they had to rely only on their physical abilities. They could not survive if their physical abilities were lost. Industrialization is not only a waste product, but it also reduces the availability of many natural resources. They may also pose a risk to the natural resource source. These options are not available to the society.


  • rosewebb

    Rose Webb is an educational blogger and volunteer who also studies for a degree in law. She loves to write about her experiences and share her knowledge with others, and is passionate about helping others to achieve their goals.

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