Analysis Of Fitzgerald’s Use Of Language To Describe Daisy In The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel The Great Gatsby reveals that Daisy Fay Buchanan is a remarkable, impulsive character who epitomizes superficiality and aristocracy in the hedonistic society in her roaring twenties. Daisy, regardless of the person she associates with, is an inherently mercurial character and incessantly pessimistic individual. Her complaints, melodrama, and incessant cynical attitude sap life from her friends, albeit unintentionally. Daisy’s negative impact on The Great Gatsby is evident in Fitzgerald’s illustrations of Daisy. They are illustrated through the language of Daisy and others. Daisy also uses her own promiscuous and ambivalent language along with her famedly charming voice.

Daisy’s obsession and subsequent superficiality are two of the most prominent characteristics. Her depiction and personal actions further advance her materialistic identity. Nick, Daisy’s second cousin, is the story’s narrator. He observes that her “inexhaustible charm” (Fitzgerald 120). This explores Daisy’s indiscreet voice and how it exudes wealth, screams of her social status. Nick compares Daisy’s voice and voice to a princess or a “golden girl” and places her on the same pedestal as many others before him. This gives Daisy the respect and status that she deserves, but not necessarily the merit. Kermit Moyer, who criticizes Daisy’s voice, says, “Daisy symbolizes the materialism within her class as also the materialism at Gatsby’s fundamental ideal” (Moyer 221). Moyer’s comment exposes Daisy and Jay Gatsby’s materialistic priorities. Even though Daisy is rich and wealthy, her deceptive voice is the most striking aspect of her charm. This is because she is able to create an illusion that others can see. Fitzgerald is not only describing Daisy Fay Buchanan’s innocent and innocent world, but also the hidden conflicts and realities she must face. Fitzgerald writes that Daisy Fay Buchanan’s artificial world was “redolent of orchids…while fresh face drifted here-and-there like rose petals blown round the floor by the sad trumpets.” (Fitzgerald 150). This creates stark contrasts in between Daisy’s world, which is insulated, and the harsh reality of aristocratic existence. Fitzgerald contrasts “young”, “artificial”, and “cheerful”, highlighting the superficiality and time period of Daisy. Norman Pearson, a critic, stated that “…this wasn’t the Gay Twenties when youth was free but that it was a time of sickness and disease. (Pearson 24). This is a perfect example of how the life of Daisy was a curse that caused society to be crippled by its snobbishness, aristocracy and selfishness. Although Daisy’s paradoxical and contradictory life is a challenge, it also negatively impacts the culture of the time as an aristocratic disease and materialistic disease.

Gatsby’s obsession with Daisy led to a complicated relationship that was initially mutual. Daisy is struggling to find the love and commitment she needs to Gatsby, which leads to her indecisiveness and ambivalence. Daisy, for example, says that Tom is the only thing she wants and that she can’t love him. (Fitzgerald, 132). Yet, Daisy is astonished to hear Gatsby cry out to her when she’s promoted. You are too beautiful! It’s impossible to forget the past. Daisy is revealing her disinformation by reiterating her words about never having loved Tom. In addition, Daisy asks a rhetorical query to reveal her ambivalence about her feelings towards Gatsby. Daisy’s mercurial nature and inability to commit is exposed. Daniel Burt’s critic claims that “…the attraction to Daisy is hollow and tacky, but Daisy herself has been a cheater, unworthy of Gatsby (Gatsby). Daisy, like Tom, is a consummate consumer, a betrayer, and lacking Gatsby the idealism and morality that give his world meaning. Daisy is given a huge importance in the novel because she doesn’t have the basic ideologies to make her life meaningful. She wilts away in her luxury and insulation to protect herself and others.

The novel is notable for its most memorable moments, including Myrtle Wilson’s encounter with Daisy. Daisy’s negative impact on Gatsby and other characters is unmatched in the entire work. When Gatsby is asked whether Daisy was driving their car when it struck Myrtle (Fitzgerald134.) This selfless act and the sacrifice made for Daisy’s irresponsibility demonstrates how much Gatsby loved Daisy. He would even sacrifice his honor and his life to do so. Malcolm Bradbury stated “…despite Daisy’s marriage… She simply doesn’t want Gatsby. He fails and is ultimately destroyed. Daisy has the seductive carelessness and wealth of the rich and this is what eventually brings about disaster.” Gatsby was not interested in Daisy. Daisy’s disinterest in Gatsby led to him losing interest and she also admitted her guilt in the accident. Daisy’s’seductive inattention’ and combination of enchantment & disinterest in what happens around her is what ultimately leads to Gatsby being killed.

The capricious, superficial, materialistic Daisy Fay Buchanan is the epitome of the Roaring Twenties aristocracy. Although Daisy appears innocent and pure at first, her charm and charisma can trap even the most cautious. Daisy is described by Fitzgerald using Daisy’s language, along with her incriminating language, to describe her. Her actions lead to animosity, discord, and a path to destruction for those she surrounds.


  • rosewebb

    Rose Webb is an educational blogger and volunteer who also studies for a degree in law. She loves to write about her experiences and share her knowledge with others, and is passionate about helping others to achieve their goals.

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