Overview Of The Issue Of Poverty In Uganda

Table of Contents

World Vision Uganda’s Effectiveness

To sum up,


Uganda is currently one of Africa’s poorest countries. Many NGOs have worked to alleviate poverty by improving the lives, providing basic human services.

A lack of funds to support basic needs such food, shelter and clothing is known as poverty. However, poverty also includes a lack of education, clean water and health. It measures the amount of people living below the poverty line, which is the minimum income required to maintain a basic standard. The global absolute poverty line is currently $1.90 per hour. The serious problem of poverty in Uganda affects everyone. It affects every aspect of a person’s daily life. This includes their health, education, accessing basic sanitation and clean drinking water, as well as employment. The most vulnerable people are those who live in rural areas, as well as the elderly, disabled, youth and women from minority ethnicities.

On February 2018, more than 8 million of the 40 million people in Uganda were living in poverty. This is just under 21%. According to this, 1 in 5 Ugandans ate less than $1.90 daily in 2018. The poverty rate has risen steadily from 19.7% in 2013 to 2018. It is now 21.4%. Despite this fact, Uganda has one among the highest rates for reducing monetary poverty in the globe.

Uganda’s poverty is generally less severe than other African countries. According to its GDP per capita, Uganda was the 15th most poor country in 2018. It was $1,032 Australian Dollar. Other African countries may have lower or higher poverty rates due to political stability, education, clean waters access, economic and financial stability, etc.

Low incomes and high financial costs have a higher correlation with infant mortality across the country. The infant death rate is the number or deaths of infants before one year. It is determined by 1,000 deaths per year. In 2017, the infant death rate was 35 per 1000 live-born babies. This is lower than the 2000 infant mortality rate of 170 deaths per 1000 births. These statistics reveal the incredible improvement in Uganda’s household economy over the last 17 years.

The effects of poverty can be felt in all areas of one’s life. Not only does poverty impact your economic well-being, but also your mental, social, and physical health. A high rate of unemployment can lead to poverty. This results in lower levels of health and more disease. Because of the scarcity of resources, poverty can also impact the life expectancy of people. The average Ugandan person lived to 63 years in 2018.

Today’s Ugandans comprise 2% who are unemployed, 7% who work in industry, and 47% who are farmers. Few people are able find jobs that pay the minimum wage. The incomes of the people are not evenly distributed. An average income for one person is $1000 per annum. Many workers have lost their jobs due to structural unemployment caused by technological changes. The three largest sectors that are most in demand for work are agriculture, light consumption goods & textiles and electricity. Below is a pie diagram that illustrates the types of 2018 employment.

Low health and high rates of disease, particularly in the early years of childhood, are two of the main effects that poverty has on people’s lives. Save the Children estimates that children in Northern Uganda will die twice as often as those in the city. This could be due to a lack of resources and education, as well as the fact that they are less likely to have access to them. The leading causes of death in the poor include heart disease, HIV/AIDS and influenza. They live shorter lives and are more likely to die than the rest.

World Vision Uganda’s Effectiveness

World Vision Uganda, a non-profit organization that is not for profit, was established in 1986. Their mission is to eradicate poverty through development, aid and advocacy. Their goals include providing water and sanitation to all by 2030; improving health and reducing mortality; ensuring that all children receive educations and protection for them. They can support education, provide health care and water supply. Over 128, 000 children have been helped in over 50 districts of Uganda by World Vision. World Vision is slowly working towards achieving their goals, using simple tasks to make a real difference.

World Vision is very successful in bringing about improvements in the quality and life of children using a wide range of solutions. They donated solar lamps to children in November 2017. This allowed them to read, finish homework, and take walks in the dark. Lang Lok (pictured right) is reading with his solar lamp, which was provided by World Vision.

World Vision has also developed literacy programs to ensure that children receive the education they need. These programs have made a huge impact on the lives of children. They have given out over 34,000 books and helped them learn. These two World Vision achievements are a part of ensuring all girls and boys get an education.

World Vision offers refugee camps in Uganda for South Sudanese refugees who have fled. Charity Yabang was a South Sudanese refugee mom who fled South Sudan on February 2017. Three children were born to her on the journey, and she now takes care of fifteen. In order to provide for her family, she needed no income. So she hoped for a miracle. World Vision offered her financial assistance through a program called Cash for Work, which paid her money to participate in various activities. With the money, she was able to feed her children and purchase clothes, uniforms and clothing for them. Another example of World Vision Uganda’s progress towards achieving their goals is this.

In Uganda, World Vision is a huge success in helping the people who need it. Without World Vision, children might not have made it without their basic needs. World Vision’s success stories show how committed they are to helping others.

To sum up,

Uganda’s poverty must be addressed if it is to grow. The country must have more jobs and more wages to avoid suffering from poverty and other health problems. World Vision Uganda helps reduce poverty. However, it is necessary to provide more support to the population to alleviate poverty and improve their wellbeing.


  • rosewebb

    Rose Webb is an educational blogger and volunteer who also studies for a degree in law. She loves to write about her experiences and share her knowledge with others, and is passionate about helping others to achieve their goals.

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